Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 297: My crazy and evil self

Happy Friday!! Today's photo is a weird but funny one hehe I was rushing the whole day and when I finally stopped and looked at me at the mirror I saw my crazy hair! I looked like Medusa! hahaha Luckily I didn't turn to stone :P

I couldn't help it, I had to take a photo of myself.  At the beginning the photo was gonna be only the hair, but then I thought... what if...?   And the eyes were also captured in the shot to make it creepier hihihi

I'm in Halloween mood muaja jaja muaja jaja!!!
Have a wicked weekend!

Nikon D90 (105mm  f/2.8) - 1/40s  f/10

1 comment:

  1. De verdad que es una foto especial para Halloween !!! Ja Ja Ja
